United States District Court
Eastern District of North Carolina


Inclement weather closings for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina:
February 19, 2025: U.S. District Courthouses in Raleigh and Greenville will be closed.
February 19, 2025: U.S. District Courthouse in New Bern will close at 3:00 p.m.
February 20, 2025: U.S. District Courthouse in New Bern will be closed.

Passing of the Honorable Malcolm J. Howard

Jury Scam Alert information
Public Notice Regarding Changes to Miscellaneous Court Fee Schedules Effective December 1, 2023.
The Judicial Conference approved inflationary adjustments to fees on the miscellaneous fee schedule will become effective December 1, 2023. Please review the District Court Fee Schedule under the "Public" tab at www.nced.uscourts.gov. Updated fees will be posted as of December 1, 2023.

Camp Lejuene Water Litigation Information.

VISITOR INFORMATION: Mobile devices and weapons are not permitted in the courthouse. Please bring a photo ID.
Eastern District Pro Bono Panel

The United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina encourages the members of its Bar to provide pro bono legal services to pro se litigants. In order to facilitate the provision of pro bono services, the Court has created a pro bono program to match up interested attorneys with litigants in need of representation. The program will also provide more experienced attorneys with an opportunity to mentor younger attorneys in pro bono matters.

To sign up for the pro bono program, please complete the interest form below. Completing the interest form does not obligate you to take on pro bono work, but, instead, will allow the Court to notify you of pro bono opportunities. You may indicate a particular area of interest and the level of involvement you are willing to have in a case (i.e. you are willing to assist with a mediation or particular motion).

We hope that you will take a few minutes to complete the form and assist the Court in ensuring equal access to justice for all citizens of the Eastern District.

Letter from Chief United States District Judge Terrence W. Boyle regarding the Pro Bono Program

Pro Bono Interest Form