United States District Court
Eastern District of North Carolina


Jury Scam Alert information
Public Notice Regarding Changes to Miscellaneous Court Fee Schedules Effective December 1, 2023.
The Judicial Conference approved inflationary adjustments to fees on the miscellaneous fee schedule will become effective December 1, 2023. Please review the District Court Fee Schedule under the "Public" tab at www.nced.uscourts.gov. Updated fees will be posted as of December 1, 2023.

Camp Lejuene Water Litigation Information.

VISITOR INFORMATION: Mobile devices and weapons are not permitted in the courthouse. Please bring a photo ID.

On behalf of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, I wish to thank all of those persons who are called upon for jury service in our court. Every one of you provides an important public service, often in spite of personal, familial, and professional difficulties. When you complete this service, I hope that you will leave with a greater understanding of the court’s functions and with a greater appreciation for the fact that our country has preserved the jury system as our method for resolving conflicts, whether of a civil or criminal nature, without resort to private feuds. The right to a jury of one’s peers is a precious right and all who serve play a very important part in keeping that right alive.

Additionally, I wish to thank all of the many employers who support their employees when they are called upon for jury service. Thank you for altering work schedules, for covering work for absent jurors, for rescheduling vacations, and for not requiring employees to take vacation time when they are performing jury service. Thank you for absorbing lost productivity and thank you for understanding the importance of jury service. Your active support of our jury system permits our jurors to concentrate on the issues at hand without worry as to work or employment matters.

With kindest regards,

Peter A. Moore, Jr.
Clerk of Court




  • E-mail Jury Office
  • Phone: 800.342.2539
  • Fax: 919.645.1758
  • Mailing Address:
    Attn: Jury Services
    U.S. District Court
    P.O. Box 25670
    Raleigh, N.C. 27690-7109
  • Court Directions



click here to view a sample questionnaire

  • Sample Questionnaire
  • Summons (html)
  • Jury Plan (pdf)
  • Release of Juror Information Form (pdf)
  • Welcome to the Federal Courts (pdf)
  • Handbook for Grand Jurors (pdf)
  • Handbook for Trial (Petit) Jurors (pdf)
  • Juror Selection Procedures (pdf)
  • Jury Scam Warning (pdf)


jury scam alert

  • June 28, 2024: FBI and U.S. Attorneys in North Carolina Warn of New Jury Scam (pdf)
  • Jury Scam Warning (pdf)
  • Jury Service Scam Advisory
    Please be advised that United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina does not solicit credit card or bank account information from any juror. If you receive any communication requesting such data please call the jury office.