United States District Court
Eastern District of North Carolina


Jury Scam Alert information
Public Notice Regarding Changes to Miscellaneous Court Fee Schedules Effective December 1, 2023.
The Judicial Conference approved inflationary adjustments to fees on the miscellaneous fee schedule will become effective December 1, 2023. Please review the District Court Fee Schedule under the "Public" tab at www.nced.uscourts.gov. Updated fees will be posted as of December 1, 2023.

FY 2024 Pre-Lapse in Appropriations Notice to Contractors
Camp Lejuene Water Litigation Information.
Case Management Order 1, Camp Lejeune Water Litigation.

VISITOR INFORMATION: Mobile devices and weapons are not permitted in the courthouse. Please bring a photo ID.

The court hosts several naturalization ceremonies throughout the year. If you are interested in performing patriotic music at a ceremony or a scout interested in leading the Pledge of Allegiance during a ceremony, please contact the Clerk's Office 919.645.1700 and ask for the deputy clerk who organizes naturalization ceremonies or email us.

For additional information:

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)
USCIS Raleigh-Durham Field Office
301 Roycroft Drive, Durham, NC 27703
USCIS customer service 1.800.375.5283

Below are photos taken from prior ceremonies, navigate through the photos using the "previous" and "next" buttons: